
Hi Profile Embroidery commenced operation in April 1992, started by Col Howkins and Hal Palmer. Col subsequently bought Hal out in 2009 and he and  his wife Tee continue to run the business today.

The main focus of Hi Profile has been to set a benchmark for embroidery in Brisbane, and it is believed this has been accomplished, for we still have a large number of customers that have been with us since not long after the business was started in 1992.

We would welcome the opportunity to add you to the list of some of the most important people of the world – our customers.

HiProfile Expertise


Hi Profile are able to provide a quality and prompt service with accounting transparency and personal integrity.

Our commitment to our clients is reflected in our many years of service to our commercial and corporate business clients. With great respect for our team of dedicated employees, our continuing good relationship with the controlling government bodies and workers unions has made us the envy of the industry.

What People Are Saying

“HI Profile’s level of quality is outstanding ”


“HiProfile Embroidery is excellent, fast and beautiful”